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Nathan Bassett an imperfect Christian March 29, 2012
I can still hear her over the dinner table in reply to me telling her that 'while I'm not Jewish I had a lot of respect for the faith', "nobody's perfect".

I'm going to miss her. And I think I'll go get a knish from Toojay's this weekend.
Jen Cordaro LifeShare March 23, 2012
Sarah made a difference in many of the lives she touched, she will always be remembered!
Jennie Henry A sweet person March 22, 2012
Sarah was always such a sweet person to speak with on the phone as well as be apart of the lifeshare family. She had a big heart and really wanted to help everyone. It is sad to not have her here in person but knowing she is in a good place and watching over others I will be at ease. 
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